Stop Smoking Program

The Morris Institute in Riverside has helped thousands of smokers to quickly, easily and permanently with Hypnotherapy
"Kick the Habit"
...And we can help you too!
You’ve probably already tried
1. Cold Turkey
This “will-power” method works well for some the very first time they try it.
It seldom is effective in later attempts and the smoker usually must seek outside assistance.
2. Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nico-Gum, Skin Patches, Lozenges, Nasal Spray, Nicotine Inhaler, etc.
Factors to Consider:
• The smoker must stay highly motivated.
• Health risks are high if the smoker doesn’t STOP smoking completely when using these methods.
• Most of these must be continued for 2 to 3 months. Gum up to 6 months.
• Common side effects of the patch are skin redness and restless sleep.
Nicotine patches are great.
Stick one over each eye and you can't find your cigarettes.
• One dose of Nasal Spray is equal to one spray in each nostril. Some people use 40 doses a day.
*Most smokers have tried these and found they do not work. Smoking is not a physical problem.
3. “Gradual Fading”
The smoker is supposed to reduce their smoking level gradually over four to six weeks and then quit cold turkey. This is one of the least effective ways.
Here What Does WORK:
“The option which is the most successful provides behavioral modification assistance as well as stress management, weight control, and tips for preventing relapse.”
Morris Institute,
has helped thousands of smokers to
quickly, easily and permanently...Kick the Habit!

The fee for our program equals approximately 40 days of smokes for the average smoker. Stopping smoking will put $2000 back in your pocket every year”.
“Why don’t you spend what you would have spent this month on cigarettes, on becoming a non-smoker?

“Our program is tax deductible."
You can write it off on your Federal income taxes as a “medical expense”.
In fact, the IRS is specific that over the counter nicotine therapy products are not deductible, but our services are.
Here’s the link to the IRS site:
“Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit.”
-New Scientist, 10/92
"Time to realize.....
you don't actually smoke.
The cigarette does all the smoking,
you are just the sucker!"
Make this your day to choose life.
We have someone waiting 24 hours a day to answer your call.
Let us answer your questions so you can Join the thousands who proudly say...
"We Quit Smoking With The Morris Institute"
• Tobacco related diseases account for more deaths in the USA and Canada than any other cause!
• Taxpayers lose millions to smoking related health costs!
• Smoking is relaxing - Smoking actually increases high blood pressure and stress.
• It will be too difficult to quit - Hypnosis makes the experience relaxing and empowering.
• I'll gain weight - You'll learn to replace smoking with self-hypnosis and relaxation, not food.
More than 40 of the chemicals the FTC found
in cigarette smoke cause cancer in humans.

Smoking Makes You Look Older
Than You Really Are.